Multi-messenger astronomy with ESASky

Created: March 01, 2022 - 06:00 UTC

ESASky is a science-driven discovery portal developed at the European Space Agency’s ESAC Science Data Centre that allows the interactive exploration of a large collection of astronomical data, providing a very useful tool for exploring the multi-wavelength sky with the click of a button. The latest release of ESASky is branching into multi-messenger astronomy and shows gravitational wave (GW) event probability maps on the sky, allowing users to look for electromagnetic counterparts for the GW events and using ESASky to quickly access all available archival electromagnetic data. Near future releases intend on expanding the multi-messenger feature and include, for example, the IceCube neutrino footprint.

Additionally, the latest releases of ESASky have increased the amount of science ready data accessible through the tool. These include: all public CHEOPS observational metadata and light curves; new and updated catalogues in the high energy domain (such as Data Release 11 of the Fourth XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source catalog and the Fermi-LAT 10-year source catalog); HiPS from PanSTARRS and ASTRON (the TGSS ADR progressive survey and Apertif Data release 1 survey); the ability to include any HiPS from a URL, local computer or by browsing the CDS HiPS list for globally available HiPS; and the external Table Access Protocol (TAP) service has been expanded too, complementing the access to MAST, ESO and CADC data with the access to ASTRON and the HEASARC master catalogs.

Finally, in collaboration with the ESA/Hubble team, ESASky now provides access to the Hubble outreach images on the ESA/Hubble website. Users can tour the Hubble outreach images overlaid on the sky, read the explanation about each image and link to the appropriate ESA/Hubble outreach image page.

More information: and how to use ESASky.